Safety, Occupational Health and Environment
SSOMA objective
We encourage staff to maintain a preventive safety culture in the various projects with "Zero disabling and fatal accidents and absence of occupational diseases."
We consider staff as the main capital and most valuable asset of our company, working under the motto: "SAFETY IS EVERYONE'S TASK".
MRA seeks to consolidate itself as the Leading Company in Occupational Health and Environmental Safety Management, during its Geotechnical services, promoting continuous improvement and innovation in all its processes, the execution of activities and tasks.
Indicators since 2016
5 audits and approvals successfully passed (Boreau Veritas, SGS & MEGA)
50 projects with zero environmental impact.
601,448 man hours worked recorded.
4,764 man hours of training recorded.
Implementation of safety measures and care for the environment. Geological and Geotechnical Study of the Palo Redondo Dam Foundation of the special Chavimochic III project, 2014.